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"Frost Dragon Lord" (霜の竜王 Shimo no Ryūō) is the seventh episode of the Overlord IV adaptation. It was first broadcasted on August 16, 2022.


In Feo Berkana, Yozu reports to Pe Riyuro about the events at the bridge, and Riyuro ponders if the Dwarves have more "golems" on the way to reclaim the city. To prepare for conflict, Riyuro orders Yozu to relocate civilians to a safe area, and a messenger brings word of a group approaching the city. Riyuro plans to ask the dragons to help, hoping that at least both sides take losses beneficial to the Quagoa. At the Royal Treasury building, Olasird'arc Haylilyal greets his vassals who come beseeching aid against the Dwarves, offering a full bag of gold coins in tribute, and Olasird'arc asks his three concubines their input. Munuinia Ilyslym recommended yes as Dwarves were hardly a threat, Mianatalon Fuviness agreed in a show of strength, and Kilistran Denshusha supported the request also but cautioned uncertainty as the invaders may have a trump card hidden. Olasird'arc grants the Quagoan request but demands Ten fold the gold offered, forcing the Quagoa to agree. After they leave, Olasird'arc doesn't wish to see matters personally and asks which of their children to send in his stead, with Kilistran suggesting her eldest, Hejinmal, believing him more competent in assessing the enemy's strength and can negotiate with the invaders for better benefit. Although Olasird'arc approves, Hejinmal is locked in the library, so Olasird'arc goes to drag him out. Breaching the door, the shut-in Hejinmal is shocked his father ordered him to fight Dwarven invaders but complies out of fear. Arriving at the interception on the path, Hejinmal mutters his lack at fighting skill and hopes his presence alone deters them, tucking his reading glasses into the fold between some torso scales.

Spotting a Dwarf with a child Dark Elf and another girl, he squints further to what he believes to be an Elder Lich, knowing they're immune to cold and cast [Fireball] spells, his stomach hurts from anxiety when pondering why he's wearing such expensive robes. Meeting the Undead figure who comments on his small size, Hejinmal clarifies he is the son of the Frost Dragon Lord, but his posturing only intimidates the Dwarf. Before he can test the dragon's strength with [Grasp Heart], Hejinmal submissively prostrates and asks for his name, and the undead introduces himself as Ainz Ooal Gown. The three Quagoan scouts leave to report to Riyuro as Ainz inquires why he is prostrated, Hejinmal had done so after seeing Ainz is of great status. Ainz examines the dragon, thinking of uses for their physical components, and asks if his extreme body fat was for warmth. Hejinmal states he is the only one so rotund, and Ainz interprets that as a "he's a rarity," so it would be a waste to kill him. Inquiring about other dragons, Hejinmal confirms there are four larger dragons and fifteen smaller like himself, with the pleased Ainz granting Hejinal onto Aura. As she uses a breath skill to assert dominance, doing so causes an apologetic Hejinmal to wet himself. Ainz explains it was normal as Ankoro Mocchi Mochi had a pet dog that would urinate when happy, much to Aura's delight. When Shalltear hears it happens with overwhelming emotion, she makes a gross comment leading Aura to tell her not to say such things, which Ainz affirms as he'd fall over in shock if that happened. When Gondo inquires what their next move will be, Ainz orders Aura and Shalltear to handle the Quagoa while he takes the dragons with Hejinmal leading him back to the royal capital. As Hejinmal brings Ainz and Gondo to where his father and three wives rest, Gondo asks Ainz to at least spare Hejinmal's mother, and Ainz promises to try.

Hejinmal thanks Ainz profusely, but he tells the dragon to call him instead Lord Ainz or the Sorcerer King. Entering the room, Hejinmal introduces Ainz, much to his father's justified rage, and Ainz promises to spare him should he submit. When Olasird'arc questions the "skeleton," Ainz refuses to converse with someone witless and uses [Grasp Heart], killing Olasird'arc instantly. As his three wives look on in shock, Ainz asked which was his mother as he'd kill the other two for parts, and all three shout that they were his mother. Uncertain, Ainz asks if they shared the mother role as one birthed Hejinmal while one raised him, and the third one warmed him. Hejinmal states they are his three mothers, so Ainz keeps his promise and spares them, telling the three to gather all the dragons in the castle for his proclamation of rulership and orders Hejinmal to gather all his Dwarven documents. Alone with Gondo, who stands atop the corpse of Olasird'arc, the Dwarf asks they open the treasury, and Ainz gleefully obliges. Using an item that can only ever be used seven times, Ainz magically opens the treasury, and the two find the resplendent Dwarven treasure. At the city limits, Aura uses Depiction of Nature and Society to entrap the Quagoa population, reminding Shalltear that they are to see if any submit first, and Shalltear will smite all who refuse, dramatically emphasizing her pledge not to make a mistake. However, Shalltear finds nobody present who could have defeated the Death Knights, pondering as Ainz so rarely is incorrect. But Aura corrects her as the Death Knights fell to their defeat as their footprints were on one side of the Great Rift and not the other. While Shalltear thinks Ainz guessed incorrectly, Aura interjects to clarify that Ainz already knew as he shushed Aura after finding the clues while Ainz was talking. Shalltear concludes that he did so for her to keep thinking of the possibilities, and Aura asks she not to tell Ainz she ruined the secret, with the Bloody Valkyrie promising.

In Feo Berkana, Riyuro questions the illuminated fog's origin and spots Aura and Shalltear descending upon them, asking Yozu if they weren't golems with his lieutenant confirming. As the two were confidently approaching, despite the vast difference in numbers, so Riyuro ventures to talk with them first to understand them. Introducing himself, Shalltear announces that they will subjugate the Quagoa, but Riyuro notes his 60,000-strong army, asking for their understanding as submission needs a reason. Revealing that their master ordered them to kill until they submit, they cut-off Riyuro to announce that they would cease should the Quagoa cull their numbers: 4,000 men, 4,000 women, and 2,000 children. Aura adds that they must hurry as they're to relocate to the Sorcerer Kingdom once there are 10,000 remainders. When Riyuro returns to his ranks, he takes an opposing stance with his horde, much to the chagrin of the Floor Guardians, and he roars to cast a buff upon the troops who charge on. However, Shalltear effortlessly kills the first few dozen in one hit, as more charging Quagoa are slaughtered upon reaching her. Shocked by her power, Yozu suggests they run, but Riyuro counters that they said they wouldn't stop hunting them until 10,000 left were. Seeing more soldiers die climbing the mountain of their dead to fight, Riyuro calls for his Chosen Heroes to enter the fray, thinking Shalltear might be tired from killing so many, with Yozu leading the charge. Talking to an aide, Riyuro grows remorseful in knowing that their fight is inevitably futile, just as Yozu and soldiers die effortlessly. Riyuro will choose who fights until the ordered 10,000 survivors are met, hoping they will rise again someday after, and tearfully questions why the Sorcerer Kingdom didn't show their strength beforehand.

Back in the treasury, Hejinmal presents the remaining dragons before Ainz, who pledge their loyalty and stand when commanded to. As Ainz thinks to himself about how he wanted at least one more dragon corpse for study when one dragon amid the group, Torangealit, voices refusal to submit. As one sister tries to tell Torangealit to stop, he refuses and is invited by Ainz to come attack, only for the bloodthirsty dragon to die before getting an attack in as Ainz replayed [Grasp Heart]. Asserting dominance, Ainz stands atop Torangealit as the other dragons prostrate in submission. Later, Hejinmal carries Ainz to Aura and Shalltear, who completed their selection process, with Ainz dismayed that the Quagoa didn't accept his "mercy" earlier. Standing before Riyuro, Ainz emits his evil aura, ordering him to hold his head up, and tells him that he promises prosperity for the Quagoa should they work hard and follow his rule. Riyuro pledges his people's service to Ainz, and the Overlord congratulates the two on a well-done job, with Shalltear finally feeling like her past mistake was forgiven. When Ainz inquires about strong foes, Aura relays that Riyuro is stronger than the rest, and Ainz stops on realization when he thinks about who could have bested the Death Knights. Requesting a private talk with his two guardians to admit that he guessed wrong on a foe defeating the defeated summons, Shalltear admits to knowing as she saw it as him enlightening her to gain experience. While Ainz takes credit, he reminds them that he may sometimes make mistakes and decipher incorrectly, asking them to bear that in mind going forward. Shalltear hugs Ainz happily, crying and asking if she was genuinely useful to him with him affirming so.

Later, the Runesmiths of Feo Jera receive a farewell banquet hosted by The Master of Caves and Mines, wishing them the best of success. Ainz finds Gondo aside from the celebration, not considering himself a genuine Runesmith, but is happy seeing the food and drink Ainz prepared shows that the Runesmiths are welcomed to the Sorcerer Kingdom with no issue. Stealthily, Ainz meets Demiurge, relaying that he read the strategist's report on the Roble Holy Kingdom, to which Demiurge voiced praise after Ainz grasped the Empire and the Dwarves with such ease. Although Ainz claims Demiurge can do just as well, the Floor Guardian refutes as he cannot come close and asks how far ahead can Ainz see. Pondering the question, he can't just admit he can't even see tomorrow, then he recalls a conversation he once held with Yamaiko about the Millennium Kingdom guild back in the game. As they talked about their flag sigil being a crane, Yamaiko mentioned a Japanese saying that a Crane could live for 1,000 years and thinks how long the turtle lives from the saying. Ainz recalls aloud 10,000 years, ironically answering his recollection and Demiurge's present question, surprising the demon with his master's incredible foresight. Before Ainz could clarify the meaning of his statement, Demiurge rethinks Ainz's actions and concludes the overlord seeks to make the world dependent on his power to maintain ruling the living. Ainz's emotional suppression kicks in hard as Demiurge claims such deep machinations are frightening but Ainz directly states he doesn't think that deeply. Demiurge "understands" and will keep what Ainz said to himself, with both chuckling at "understanding" while Ainz yells in his mind what do you think? at Demiurge.

Major Events[]

  • Pe Riyuro is informed by Yozu that the dwarves have golems which resulted in the invasion failing. He is alerted of intruders approaching the city, and decides to use the opportunity to have the intruders fight the Frost Dragons and then attack when both sides are weak.
  • The Quagoa convince Olasird'arc Haylilyal to aid them. The White Dragon Lord then sends his son Hejinmal to meet the intruder to either drive them away or negotiate with them.
  • Hejinmal meets Shalltear, Gondo, Aura and Ainz Ooal Gown. Upon realizing they do not fear him and sensing Ainz's intent to kill, he submits to the undead, who accepts his fealty and gives him to be Aura's pet.
  • Whilst Shalltear and Aura handle the Quagoa, Gondo and Ainz go to meet the adult Frost Dragons.
  • Upon meeting Olasird'ac who refuses to submit to Ainz results in Ainz killing him with [Grasp Heart] before his wives who then submit to Ainz. After they leave, Ainz uses Epigoni to open the treasury with Gondo,
  • Shalltear and Aura use Depiction of Nature and Society to entrap the demi-humans in a space, and then after Pe Riyuro seemingly refuses to join the Sorcerer Kingdom proceed to cull his people.
  • All the frost dragons assemble before Ainz, however one, Torangealit, refuses to submit ending in his death. Afterwards Ainz declares to the dragons and surviving demi-humans that the are now his subjects.
  • Back at Feo Jera the dwarves hold a feast to send off the runesmiths who will be leaving for the Sorcerer Kingdom.
  • Ainz meets with Demiurge privately who congratulates his liege on capturing the hearts of the dwarves. When asked for how long far into the future Ainz has planned for their kingdom, he is shocked when Ainz mutters a ten thousand years.

Character Appearance[]

In Order of Appearance[]

New Characters[]

Abilities Used[]

Known Abilities[]

  • Grasp Heart
  • Breath Composition
  • Rallying Cry


Known Locations[]

New Locations[]

Anime Notes[]

  • Gondo is the the one who requested to Ainz to spare Hejinmal’s mother.
  • The scene of Gondo and Ainz examining the contents of the treasury happen off screen.
  • Torangealit is identified as the second that Ainz killed as opposed in the Light Novel, the dragon was unnamed.
  • Just like in season 4 episode 5, there is the mistranslation regarding the Holy Kingdom.


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