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Marquis Blumlash (ブルムラシュー候) is one of the six leaders of the Six Great Nobles of Re-Estize Kingdom.


Marquis Blumlash wears a luxuriously dress and he's approaching his forty, with symmetrical features.


Marquis Blumlash is a greedy and disloyal person, to the point where he would even betray his own family for a gold coin. He has betrayed the Kingdom and is selling information to the Empire.


Marquis Blumlash is one of the six great nobles and a loyalist. His domain encompassed gold and mythril mines, which made him the wealthiest man in the Kingdom. In spite of this, he is secretly working for the Baharuth Empire. Marquis Raeven already noticed his treachery, but as Blumlash's authority is necessary to maintain the Kingdom's stability, Raeven overlooks the problem for now.


The Men in the Kingdom Arc

Main article: The Men in the Kingdom Arc

Marquis Blumlash is mentioned by Princess Renner when she tells Marquis Raeven that his fellow noble has been leaking information to the Baharuth Empire.

The Magic Caster of Destroy Arc

Main article: The Magic Caster of Destroy Arc

Marquis Blumlash is present when the Royal and Noble Factions discuss the Empire's declaration to help Ainz Ooal Gown reclaim E-Rantel and the surrounding areas. He, along with the other nobles, dismiss Ainz as a simple magic caster and that the declaration is merely another casus belli to attack the Kingdom.

Abilities and Powers

Marquis Blumlash is one of the most influential noble in the Kingdom and he is also has an authority among the six great nobles.


Ramposa III

Despite being the member of the King's faction, he was leaking information to the Baharuth Empire, and thus betraying his majesty and the country.




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