Greluné (グレルネ) is the elder lich that captains the Ghost Ship known as Steel Valkyrie in the Katze Plains.
Atypical of elder liches who are magic casters, Greluné looks like a captain of a pirate ship, with equipment more along the lines of a warrior. He held a scimitar in one hand and wore a tricorn hat, a plain heavy coat and pants.
Oddly for an undead, Greluné appears to rather be emotional, expressing rage, jealousy and the capacity to love. The Undead Captain appears to not have anything against the living, at least personally as he rarely encountered them and was unfamiliar of their biological habits, such as sighing. This acceptance did not mean he tolerated the living, as he admitted to himself who would never be subordinate or servant to the living. And that if he had the living around him constantly, one day he would lose his patience and attack, no matter how hard he tried to restrain himself.
His emotions tend to drive his actions, losing himself in irrational episodes. Despite these emotional outbursts, Greluné does seem to possess an analytical mind when studying other characters, especially in terms of their emotional reaction, skills and abilities. Though due to Greluné's isolation within the Katze Plains, his is rather ignorant of the outside world, its norms and lacked experience.
Greluné having been a master of his fate, felt for the first time anxiety of his fate in someone else's hand. Hence was uncomfortable what the future had in store for him and his partner.
The captain of a ghost ship that sailed through the fog covered lands of the Katze Plains. On their journeys, the undead couple encountered other powerful undead creatures such as the Undead Axe Land Club and the Wild Death Knight.
The Invaders of the Large Tomb Arc
- Main article: The Invaders of the Large Tomb Arc
When Heavy Masher encountered an Elder Lich in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Gringham noted that there were stories about one elder lich who is commanding a ghost ship within the Katze Plains.[1]
The Ruler of Conspiracy Arc
- Main article: The Ruler of Conspiracy Arc
Ainz Ooal Gown remembered about the reports of a mysterious ship traveling the Katze Plains and wanted to investigate the claims, so he could consolidate his control over the region.[2]
The Phantom Ship of Katze Plains Arc
- Main article: The Phantom Ship of Katze Plains Arc
Greluné being at the stern of the ship, in the captain's cabin, detected a commotion on the deck of Steel Valkyrie. Hurrying outside, he saw that there were a pair of intruders on his wife and had destroyed the Skeleton Sailors. Seeing Narberal Gamma and Ainz Ooal Gown, Greluné demanded to know what they were doing to his wife's subordinates. Greluné noticing Narberal was of the living, he immediately felt hatred that the undead had for the living, which was curious to him, given this was his first novel experience for him.
He took notice of the second intruder, Ainz, who was an undead. However Greluné was overcome by intense jealousy at Ainz's handsome clean skeletal face, and attacked him with a [Fireball]. Ainz did not avoid the attack, or retaliate as 3rd tier magic was useless against him and also out of concern in damaging the ship. However when Greluné saw Ainz prolonged surprise that he referred the Ghost Ship as his wife, the Undead Captain misinterpreted this as awe.
When Ainz used his magic to dominate the Ghost Ship, Greluné sensed what had happened called out being cuckolded by the other undead in "stealing" his wife. Greluné gave out a heartbreaking tantrum of the situation, the misunderstanding only worse when Narberal claimed all undead belonged to her master. This made Greluné think Ainz was a pervert and not satisfied with taking Steel Valkyrie, but him as well, causing him to lash out with another [Fireball].
But seeing Ainz calmly take the attack and unharmed made Greluné realize that his opponent was a strong one. After much frustration, Greluné calmed down to listen to the trespassers. After fearing that Ainz wanted to make a deal with him, and even return Steel Valkyrie back to him, Greluné felt insulted, interpretting that the other undead was done with her body. However Ainz made it clear he could return the Ghost Ship to Greluné's command, if he became his subordinate and promised to refrain from such measures if he did. However wared that both would be used as a hostage, and that should either of them betrayed him, he would put then under his control.
Greluné dissatisfied by this deal, took a moment to kneel on the deck of his wife, to stroke it to the mast and privately console the Ghost Ship. After doing this, Greluné had questions to Ainz on what he planned to do with him and his wife. Before Ainz gave him an answer, he wanted to know all about Greluné's and the Ghost Ship's abilities. To test that out, Ainz intended for the Ghost Ship to attack the Undead Crab that he saw nearby.
Greluné at first did not know what Ainz was referring to, unfamiliar with the word crab, but accepted Ainz instructions to head to a specific location in the Katze Plains. While journeying there, Greluné properly introduced him and his wife names to their new master. Greluné then operated then ship to the monster in which Ainz demanded they fight, which turned out to be the Undead Axe Land Club.
At Ainz's command Greluné to direct Steel Valkyrie to engage the Undead Crab in battle. The undead used the Skeleton Sailors armed with crossbows and bows to launch arrows at the Undead Crab. They failed to actually harm the crab but attracted its attention, causing it to ram at the Ghost Ship, causing severe damage. Greluné tried to come in defense to his wife, but was stopped by Ainz as he wanted to see Steel Valkyrie's capabilities. This angered Greluné as he was risking the existence of his wife for his curiosity. Eventually after Ainz had seen all he needed to see, to Greluné surprised decided to engage the crab himself and allow Greluné to judge for himself to see if he was worthy as a master
Greluné was unsure what Ainz intended to do, and witnessed Ainz swing a staff at the crab knocking it in the air. The action confounded Greluné as he believed that Ainz was at a disadvantage against the crab. This caused him to strike up a conversation with Narberal to gage Ainz's true abilities. Seeing how nonchalant Narberal was towards her master's feats, the lich wondered if the outside world was some kind of demonic place. But it was elaborated that Ainz was truly a strong undead who was fit to rule the world.
This caused Greluné to worry how his own ability ranked among Ainz's subordinates. At first he tried to inquire how strong Narberal was compared to Ainz, which she answered it would be like comparing sand and a skeleton. At first Greluné thought she was lying but realized that she was stating the truth. The more he talked to Narberal he grew confused as to why a powerful undead like Ainz would include the living like Narberal as his minions. Especially since she was unable to control the undead.
On the topic of what kind of undead Ainz controlled, Greluné asked what was the most common type he had under this thrall. To which she answered it to be zombies which Greluné thought was fine, though until she mention Death Knights. Greluné thought it was ludicrous, especially when she said that Ainz created many Death Kight. To determine if she was stating the truth he asked her to describe the undead, which she did so correctly.
Greluné became definitely worried of his fate, not sure what could become of him, if he served as Ainz, who is able to command such undead forces. He gave a startle when Ainz approached him from behind, and saw that his new master had subjugated the Undead Crab and commanded to come aboard Steel Iron Maiden. Now faced before Ainz, Greluné nervously asked if he and his wife would be punished for failing to defeat the Undead Crab. There was no punishment planned to Greluné's relief as the other undead just wanted to see the lich and Ghost Ship's fighting power.
That being said, Greluné once again asked what were Ainz plans for him and his wife. To his terror Ainz told him that he was not worth much and weaker than expected, and made the lich think his fate was sealed. Though his anxiety was noticed by Ainz who clarified that did not mean he was useless as he believed Greluné could serve him in another advantage. That still did not comfort Greluné and feared that he and his wife's value was only due to their rarity and would be treated like items to be put on display. Still Greluné was then given the offer to submit or die.[3]
Later on Greluné presumably accepted Ainz as his master and submitted to the Sorcerer Kingdom. Later on he directed Steel Valkyrie to head towards the Sorcerer Kingdom.[4]
The Paladin of the Holy Kingdom Arc
- Main article: The Paladin of the Holy Kingdom Arc
The elder lich's vessel was seen by members of the Holy Kingdom Liberation Army while traveling to the capital of the Sorcerer Kingdom.[5]
The Half Elf God-kin Arc
- Main article: The Half Elf God-kin Arc
It was mentioned by Ainz that the ghost ship was acquired through the aid of himself, Cocytus and Demiurge when they went to the Katze Plains together.[6]
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NOTICE: The following section and subsequent subsections are considered NON-CANON to the Overlord Light Novels. |
Mass for the Dead Arc
- Main article: Mass for the Dead Arc
In the game timeline, the elder lich and his ghost ship were sought by Kralgra led by the ambitious Igvarge in an effort to garner a reputation to exceed the protagonist. The adventurer succeeded in annihilating the lich though it was a pyrrhic victory that costed all of the members of Kralgra their lives. The ghost ship was later claimed by Momonga and its captain was replaced with a new elder lich. Iguva=41 was created and placed in that role by Momonga in order to infiltrate Six Arms who were seeking to recruit the captain of the ghost ship for a mission with a new client regarding travel through the Katze Plains.[7]
More details of the previous owner of the Ghost Ship are revealed when Darkness led by the protagonist went searching for the mithril plates belonging to the four man team of Kralgra. Turns out that before the lich was killed, he managed to decapitate three of his attackers, resulting in the mithril plates falling on the ground. Of the three that were left in the Katze Plains, one was picked up by a Skeletal Dragon which became a target of interest for Darkness and New Six Arms for recovery.[8]
Abilities and Powers
Typically of other elder lichs, he commands a mob of undead. Though uniquely it controls a Ghost Ship that can travel the land. In Mass for the Dead, the elder lich's strength in the game ranks it as being strong that it required a mithril ranked adventurer team to defeat him.
According to Greluné's own admission, the lich is weaker against a Death Knight, or at least not confident he could win against one in a ground battle.
- Fireball: A 3rd tier spell that allows the caster to summon a large fireball that is used for attacks.
- Lightning: A 3rd tier spells that allows the caster to shoot a bolt of lightning.
Main Equipment
- Scimitar: A bladed weapon that is wielded by the elder lich.
Steel Valkyrie
The Ghost Ship is an entity who Greluné regards as his wife, who he deeply loves. At the possibility of her being stolen from him, Greluné goes into an irrational rage. Greluné though is willing to submit himself under the authority of another to remain as her captain. Due to their long existence together, Greluné is aware of all her strengths and weaknesses. Greluné cares deeply for the ship's well-being, willing to fight himself to protect her. Hence he take great offense to anyone who tried to violate or damage her.
Ainz Ooal Gown
Initially when Greluné first met Ainz, he reacted with extreme jealousy due to Ainz's skeletal face, which he found to be extremely cool and handsome, unlike his own rotting face. He did not hesitate to attack Ainz just because of this envy. Additional his disdain for Ainz grew when the other undead used his magic to take control of Steel Valkyrie, which he interpreted of stealing or seducing her away from him. And due to some misunderstanding, about Ainz's laying claim to all undead, from a subordinate, he misconceived this as Ainz being a seducer who wanted have him as well. After getting his emotional heartbreak out of his system, Greluné finally perceived Ainz as a dangerous threat when he realized all his spells were useless against him. After being coerced into becoming Ainz's subordinate, Greluné remained suspicious and resentful of his new master's plans, but also curious about Ainz's abilities.
As he witnessed and gained a minimal understanding of Ainz's capabilities, he slowly developed a grudging respect towards him. Since Ainz was strong it relieved him somewhat that Ainz was not just a good-looking guy but also a strong one who managed to steal away his spouse. It brought him great anxiety for what Ainz had in store for him, and unsure on how to address him. Though the lich still had some pride as he felt bowing to Ainz as his new master made him uncomfortable.
Narberal Gamma
Narberal was the first living creature that Greluné encountered. Hence upon meeting her, he felt the racial emotions of hatred that the undead possessed against the living. However he understood that personally he had nothing against Narberal. But while interacting with the Pleiades maid, Greluné still had trouble processing these strange emotions of hostility, and was constantly suppressing these feelings bubbling up inside him. Her association with Ainz confused Greluné, not understanding why an undead would have the living as a subordinate. Though understood on an unconsious level that she was dangerous especially how he talked about Ainz, hence he worded his responses carefully.
- It is unknown what exactly transpired between the Sorcerer Kingdom and the lich, by the time the delegation from the Holy Kingdom arrived, it was flying the banner of the Sorcerer Kingdom.
- The lich became Ainz Ooal Gown first elder lich native to the New World to be recruited into the Sorcerer Kingdom.
- On August 18, 2024 it was announced that for Overlord: The Holy Kingdom, two bonus volumes titled "The Phantom Ship of the Katze Plains" would be released.[9]
- The inspiration for Greluné’s name may have come from the Largescale Blackfish, referred to as {mejina} (メジナ) or regionally {gure} (グレ). It is a member of the Girellinae subfamily, which in Japanese sounds very similar to グレルネ, The fish is part of the sea chub family, and may be referred to as “nibblers.”
- ↑ Overlord Volume 07 Chapter 3: The Large Tomb
- ↑ Overlord Volume 10 Chapter 1: Sorcerer Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown
- ↑ Overlord Special Edition 02 Chapter 4
- ↑ Overlord Special Edition 02 Epilogue
- ↑ Overlord Volume 12 Chapter 2: Seeking Salvation
- ↑ Overlord Volume 15 Chapter 2: The Travelling Scenery in Nazarick
- ↑ Mass for the Dead Special Event: Worker Within The Fog
- ↑ Mass for the Dead Special Event: Mithril Sleeping In Light Mist
- ↑