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"Enjoy the taste of happiness for a while longer, citizens of my country."
- Doppel-Caspond laughed mockingly at his citizens.

Doppel-Caspond is the Doppelgänger that is impersonating Prince Caspond Bessarez and is slowly manipulating the Roble Holy Kingdom for the ends of the Sorcerer Kingdom.


This Doppelganger took the form of Caspond Bessarez while he interacts with the humans of the Holy Kingdom.


So far the Doppelgänger has displayed enough of Prince Caspond to give a convincing performance to his persona’s subjects. While putting on a face of a kind prince that cares for the welfare of his subjects and patriotism to his nation, underneath is a cold sarcastic monster that is willing to manipulate others for Nazarick.


At some point in time, Caspond Bessarez has been captured and then killed. This Doppelgänger was later ordered by Demiurge to assume the Prince's identity.


The Paladin of the Holy Kingdom Arc

Main article: The Paladin of the Holy Kingdom I and The Paladin of the Holy Kingdom II Arc

After the war came to an end, the Doppelgänger is now appointed as the Holy King of the Holy Kingdom without making arrangements with the other nobles, particularly the Southern nobles.

This maneuver would lead the Southern nobles to be unhappy and become a major divisive factor, thus causing an internal power struggle that would divide the country in two. However, this is the Doppelgänger's goal as part of Demiurge's scheme.

Upon meeting with his superior Demiurge, he is given news orders to rebuild Holy Kingdom, so it would be worry for eventual annexation by the Sorcerer Kingdom. In addition to monitor Neia Baraja and use her to further divide the nation.

Abilities and Powers

Under the form of Caspond Bessarez, he holds the de-facto position as regent and has assumed command of the Holy Kingdom Liberation Army.


Ainz Ooal Gown

While rude toward Ainz in his disguise as Caspond Bessarez, he is respectful toward him when no one else is present.


  • The real Caspond Bessarez was currently wrapped in an item known as a Shroud of Sleep, and it had apparently been brought to the Great Tomb of Nazarick.
  • This doppelgänger most likely has no intention of changing into any other forms but Caspond's as it was the main role designated for him by Demiurge.