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Brightness Dragon Lord (ブライトネス・ドラゴンロード) is a Dragon Lord, the most powerful dragons in the New World.



Due to his habit of experimenting and breeding with other races, he is most feared by fellow Dragon Lords. Said to have the mind of a scholar rather than a warrior, Brightness Dragon Lord is a loner due to his unique hobbies.


Brightness Dragon Lord was the founder of the Dragon Kingdom.[1] Currently, its great-granddaughter rules the Kingdom in its place through inheritance. This Dragon Lord is feared amongst his colleagues due to his eccentricities. His residence is held at the top of a mountain located around the center of the continent.[2]


The Invaders of the Large Tomb Arc

Main article: The Invaders of the Large Tomb Arc

Rigrit Bers Caurau asked Platinum Dragon Lord if they should reach out for help from the other Dragon Lords to combat the new threat that had appeared in the New World. However, Platinum Dragon Lord doubted that they would be able to find Brightness Dragon Lord, since its current whereabouts are unknown.[3]

The Magic Caster of Destroy Arc

Main article: The Magic Caster of Destroy Arc

Fluder Paradyne mentions that Brightness Dragon Lord's blood flows within Draudillon Oriculus's veins, allowing her the ability to use Wild Magic.[4]

Abilities and Powers

Given the fact that Bright Dragon Lord is the ancestor of Draudillon Oriculus, who is capable of casting Wild Magic, it can be concluded that he too should be able to use it. Since he is a true-blood dragon among Dragon Lords, the cost of using Wild Magic is by far not as severe as it would be for his Great-Granddaughter.[5]


Draudillon Oriculus


  • Alongside the elf King, Brightness Dragon Lord was one of the two non-human beings known so far to have impregnate a humanoid.




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